Well it has certainly been a while, but today’s excellent weather prompted another segment of “Views From Aloft”. This being the first climb of the year, all things considered, went pretty well. Sean and I argued a bit about who would get to ‘go up’ and how it just isn’t safe to send someone my size up the rig. I won the argument with, “if the rig can’t handle my measly 285 pounds then it’s got bigger problems”.
Somehow I ended up there and managed to shoot some pictures. Can anyone guess where it is that I am hangin’ out?

I conducted an aloft rigging inspection as well as spruced up the digital wind instrument with a new bird and a new set of cups.
Well it might be awhile before we get some new ‘Views from Aloft’ as more bad weather is approaching. Not to mention it isn’t really supposed to be 65 degrees just before February, but who’s complaining?