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Hood SL Foresail Furlers

When shopping for headsail furlers one can find a wide variety manufacturers such as: Pro Furl, Facnor, Harken, Hood, Bamar, Schaefer, Reckmann, Reefit, CDI; as well as a wide variety of prices. So where does quality and low pricing find a happy marriage? How can one possibly make a decision that’s worthwhile with all of…

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The Integral Backstay Adjuster

Integral backstay adjusters can play a big role in how a boat sails. Being able to adjust the backstay tension from the pump of a handle can be useful on cruisers just as much as racers. We all need to make general changes to the boats trim depending on wind and wave conditions in order…

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Reeving Halyards

Some people are daunted by the task of attempting to run-in or reeve new lines which run internally or cannot be easily accessed. Halyards for instance present the problem of, “how do I get the old one out and the new one in?”. Let’s address some technicalities first… ~Not all eye splices are created equally….

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The Dreaded Halyard Swivel!

~You may find that I am poking a bit with this one. Perhaps the British might call it “a bit cheeky”, but I assure you it is all in good fun… THE HALYARD SWIVEL I just wanted to take a minute and chime-in on the “halyard swivel phenomenon” that has (apparently) taken the sailing world by storm. I…

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It’s a New Year…

at … …and we have recently moved to a new location!! That’s right, we’ve moved, but don’t worry, we’re not far. Actually, we are now even closer to you than before ;-0). The new location is still within the same complex as always, BUT you can now see us from the road (Edgewood Rd.). The Annapolis Maritime…

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Inspecting Your Mast and Rigging

Your sailboat rigging should be thoroughly checked once a season. The best way to do this is by pulling the mast or masts out of the boat and running down a check list. One can also spot most major problems from a bosun’s chair, and if done regularly, is generally more cost effective. It is…

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Spar Finishes

Today’s spars are usually made of composite carbon fiber or aluminum extrusions. Both of these mast materials, just like old wooden masts, require a finish. Whereas wooden masts were typically coated with a clear varnish, they could also be found painted. These more traditional finishes were typically brush applied or rolled and tipped. Spray finishes became…

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Which Radar Reflector?

A radar reflector is used to help make your vessel more identifiable by other boats and ships that use radar to scan for vessels as well as other obstructions. In the world of radar reflectors there are many, many options. For sailboats the options are narrowed down a bit, but there is still much controversy over…

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Cruisers Can Fly Spinnakers Too!

So are you sick of your jib flogging around when you turn the boat down wind? Do you dread heading down wind because you know the boat’s performance will drastically suffer? Somehow the thought of the spinnaker is always nice, but when it really comes down to it, MAN that’s a lot of work! Not…