at …
…and we have recently moved to a new location!!

That’s right, we’ve moved, but don’t worry, we’re not far. Actually, we are now even closer to you than before ;-0). The new location is still within the same complex as always, BUT you can now see us from the road (Edgewood Rd.). The Annapolis Maritime Commerce Center is located just before and is part of the Bert Jabin’s Yacht Yard. This facility is packed full of the best marine professionals in the Mid-Atlantic. So feel free stop by anytime and have look around, there is surely a service here to meet all of your boating needs.
We are also proud to announce some new equipment…
The Rigging Company is now the proud new owner of not one, but two rod cold heading machines.
One is a portable unit with a 50 ton capacity, heading rods up to -30. The other is a mammoth 100 ton rod cold heading machine capable of rods up to -60. The big machine also comes with our final addition, a hydraulic wire swager by Wireteknik, capable of swaging up to 5/8″ diameter wire. These new additions make us possibly one of the biggest wire-swage capable rigging companies in the area and also only one of two rigging companies capable of heading rod in-house!
We will be having a house warming party soon (much needed given the weather brrrr) so don’t you worry. In the meanwhile, please come by and see the new place. We are more than happy to show you around and… as always, more than happy to answer any of your questions.

Our NEW hours of operation are Monday – Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and we are open all year long.