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No Rudder, No Problem!

Ever wonder, “what if we lose steerage”? Well this little video, brought to you by our friends at Yachting Monthly, covers a few concepts to help allow you to get your boat back under control. [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99KSZ3mEoKQ&w=420&h=315]   They say that they took a rudderless GK29 and tried 3 different ways of steering it. Maybe…

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German Engineering at its Finest

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x40O8I_dcr0&w=560&h=315] Check out this new yacht! The Hanse 575 has some pretty impressive features to say the least. Although it is riddled with modern design and not for you classic lines types, it is still worth a look. From the deck sweeping, self-tending headsail. To the really unique dinghy bay and wash down station…

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The Annapolis Fall Boat Show……

……is back again. This year, just to mix things up a bit, the Powerboat Show will be up first, starting tomorrow October 3-6. Make sure you visit us at our booth (Tent O-13) next week at the Sailboat Show which will begin on the 10th through the 14th. Also you can see our ad in this month’s…

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Views from Aloft

This week we were aloft to replace a headsail furler. Hood Yacht Systems provided this furler. The Hood Seafurl seems to be a good furler. I’d say my only real tiff with these systems is the rubber liner that is found inside each of the extrusions. The ball bearings are dry lubricated, which I like….

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The Annapolis Spring Boat Show Lives On!

Well folks, apparently the last one was such a success that they’re doing it again. U.S. Yacht Shows proudly presents, the second annual Annapolis Spring Sailboat Show 2013. The event will be held in Annapolis’ historical downtown, City Dock. The Annapolis Fall boat show, has helped to build the town’s reputation for hosting the largest boat show in the…