Views from Aloft

An absolutely GORGEOUS day on the bay. This trip aloft was to retrieve a skyed main halyard and conduct a basic visual safety inspection. This was our first 'Views from Aloft' this year, taken last...

Cruisers Can Fly Spinnakers Too!

So are you sick of your jib flogging around when you turn the boat down wind? Do you dread heading down wind because you know the boat's performance will drastically suffer? ...

Tides Track and Lazy Jacks!

Can't afford a Boom Furler? Looking for an easier way to hoist, douse, and stow your main or mizzen sails? Well there are two products that you may want to look at. They are called...

Time to Burn Team Donfeng Racing has made it to Itajaí! Incredibly the mast arrived all the way from Dubai around the same time. Since Ushuaia, most of the race team has been replaced by...

The Self Tending Jib Boom

Staysail Boom Jib boom or no jib boom... that is the question. First we need to figure out why it's there to begin with. The jib boom really only has its...

AC and the VOR

Some big news in the two sailing events that will always have my full attention. The Americas Cup has announced the return of the classic (yet modernly equipped) J Class boats for the 35th edition...

Which Sealant Should I Choose?

This is an often asked question which seems to have many different answers. Over time we have tried various sealants and have narrowed it down two primary products as our choice of sealant, 3M's UV4000 and...

Keeping Up with the Cup

The 35th Americas Cup will be taking place in Bermuda in 2017. Here it is March 2015 and things are starting to heat up... Dean Barker, a 15 year veteran at the helm,  was recently devastated...

Rod Rigging

    In the world of sailboat standing rigging there are three common materials used, stainless steel wire, Nitronic 50 rod, and various types of synthetic fibers, which are becoming more and more popular. I want to...