Wave On – VOR !

Watch Team Telefonica get hit by huge waves from a-beam, YIKES! ......... [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrKQgJykdO4&w=560&h=315]

OH Sanya

Just as the things started looking up for the China based team, Sanya reported a rudder failure and luckily was able to make an at sea repair with the spare rudder. Here is Skipper Mike...

The Hardest Part is Yet to Come……

The fleet had a short lay over in the worlds sailing capital and are off to leg 5. Only 6000 NM to go. Team Abu Dhabi had a major bulkhead failure and had to return...

Americas Cup Technology

You can say what you want about how the classic feel of the Americas Cup has been lost. Most of us feel the same way about these mutli-hulls taking over for the gorgeous mono-hulls of...

Epic Finish in Auckland!

Many sailors are at home here in Aukland and many are just plain relieved by the thought of finishing this grueling leg. Franck Cammas and Team Groupama clinch their first Volvo Ocean Race leg win, smashing the...

VOR- The Home Stretch

It almost seems as if Cape Reinga, New Zealand gets farther and farther away as the teams approach the final stretch. With the final 400 NM a-head, the wind has shifted forward, making the teams...

Solomon Islands A-Stern…..

The Volvo Ocean Racing Fleet, is almost there. After the the guys successfully navigated the Solomon Islands they only have one more thing on their minds, Auckland. Looks like the portion of the fleet that split to...

Extreme 40’s Start Back Up…….

.........and it appears the racing action is going to be tight a-top the leader board. In a light air battle, winning the start on the correct end of the line seems to pay a huge...

V.O.R. – “It’s All Good….”

As the teams approach the equator in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,  conditions continue to improve as the trade winds arrive.  Here is just a 'tid-bit' on Team Puma and how there wild decision...

Volvo Ocean Race

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9M7KBDi0Z4o&w=560&h=315] After the fleet having to work upwind in some short and steep 'chop' (due to the strong current streams opposing the wind direction) for the first portion of this leg, the fleet did...