Here is a really unique story that has surely left an everlasting impression in yachting history…
In October 1968 the Sunday Times sponsored the worlds first single handed around the world race, The Sunday Times Golden Globe Race. This is the race that helped make Sir Robin Knox Johnston the sailing legend he is today. This race also put a gentleman by the name of Donald Crowhurst on the map, but not necessarily in such a good light. Below is the trailer to the very intriguing documentary that talks not only about a yacht race that gave birth to single handed ’round-the-world racing for years to come, but also about what is perhaps one of the biggest scandals in yacht racing history.
If you are like I am and like all of sailing whether it’s; racing, cruising, expeditions, and ’round-the-world adventures, this is a film you are surely not going to want to miss. I tried to find the full version of this online to share it with you, but to no avail. I did find that Amazon and Netlfix will let you stream this incredible story for just $2.99. Well worth the cost. For any of you looking to add this to your permanent collection you can do so by buying the file for $9.99, or the DVD...which seems a bit pricey for my liking.

Let us know if you have had a chance to watch this and what your thoughts are. I think despite the lies…Crowhurst is still a stand up guy for the way that he ended things. May he rest in peace. What a great story in sailing history…

We watched it a couple of months ago – brilliant, but sad. What a position he was in. I felt so bad for his poor lovely wife.
I totally agree. You can’t help but to categorize all of the men (whether they were deceiving us or not) as brave. Especially during the late 60’s, I bet circumnavigating solo non-stop was even harder then. I can’t imagine the toll this would take on my mind and body. I wonder what ever happened to that french guy that just kept on sailing?
I think he ended up in Tahiti!