Review Page
To be able to carry out the product review you will want to be logged in and visit Product Review (note: if you are logged in, there will be a menu item Review and another for Instructions)
The next section shows information about the products. The left column shows how many published, draft or trashed products there are. It also shows how many have been marked as completed or needs work. The middle column shows how many products there are of type simple or variable. The right column shows how many know errors there are, it is important to note there are likely other issues.
Your task is to resolve all know errors and preferable mark all products as “Complete”. You also might choose to move a product into “Draft” status.
The list of products shows all published products that are not marked as reviewed. To review a product you click on the product title. You may also search for a product by title which only looks at titles in the list, that is published and not marked as reviewed.