Products with Know Issues

An audit was run against all the products and marked some products has having known issues. The list of these known issues is

  • No Price
  • No Sku
  • Missing Image
  • Missing Attributes

A note about missing skus and prices, for variable products this means at least one variation is missing the sku and/or price.

When reviewing a product with a know issue it will look something like

Product with know issues

The middle column will show the known issues in red and for the case of missing attributes will show

  • The number of variants
  • Number of skus
  • Product titles from the Drupal site

Ideally the number of variants, skus and titles should match up.

The Drupal titles may be useful in determining what attributes are needed for the product, note they often contain more information than you will need in the attribute name or values. This product is used in the editing example and I decided we are dealing with wire size and values up to 1/8″, up to 3/16″, etc.

Lets look at a few examples and how I would interpret them

  • Hi-Mod BOW Shackle Shk Proof Pin – 3/16″: One attribute, Pin Size, with the value 3/16″
  • 6.5MM I.D.: One attribute, Inside Diameter (not ID), with the value 6.5 mm
  • Small: This needs context to choose an attribute name, the value would be Small
  • 1/2″ Pin – 1/4″ Wire: This has two attributes, Pin Diameter and Wire Size, with values 1/2″ and 1/4″ respectively. It should not use a single attribute with values like 1/2″ Pin – 1/4″ Wire
  • Copper Oval Sleeve 3/32″ (Zinc Plated): I think the attribute is Wire Size and the value is 3/32″. Looking at the other titles for the product, Zinc Plated, does not seem to be an attribute use to select a variation since all the titles show Zinc Plated. It could be uses as a descriptive attribute like vendor.

If you are unsure of what attributes to add, please ask for help.

After Fixing any Issues

After the product is edited and any issues are fixed, once the product is updated the product will look like

Product Issues Resolved

If pricing is correct, you can mark the product as complete.