Basic Review

When you visit a product to review if there are no known errors it will look something like this

An example product page with no know errors

The top left should be an image of the product. Products with more than one image will show a gallery of thumbnails below the main image. In the middle there will be a list of visible attributes and should at least display the vendor.

In the far right is the price and for variable products one or more drop downs to select the the variation. Below the “Add to cart” button is the sku and category. Below this is a list of skus and associated prices, this is most useful when reviewing a variable product.

Next we have the description which you should make sure is correct. To give you an example why this is important, the Nicopress Handy Crimp tool is a simple product (no variations) but the description states “Two cable sizes are offered, 1/8″ & 3/16″“, which means either the description is wrong or this should be a variable product.

Review Check List

  • Make sure the image is present and correct.
  • The vendor attribute should be shown.
  • Make sure the price(s) are correct.
  • Make sure the sku(s) are correct.
  • For variable products make sure there is at least one drop down.
  • Check the category.
  • Make sure the description is accurate.


For products with no known errors the operations bar to the right will show below the product. Note, the operations bar only shows for products that are not marked as complete.

If after reviewing the product and you are sure the product is correct you can click the Mark Complete button, which will remove the product from the review list.

If the product has any errors you should edit the product to fix them. While this is the preferred way to resolve issues you can unpublish the product which will remove the product from the review list and remove it from the store (customers will not be able to purchase it online). In what should be rare cases you may decide the product no longer needs to be in the store it which case you could trash the product.